Back from a long sleep...
For anyone paying attention, the dragon has reawakened and is back posting again. But, you probably figured that out already. So, where've I been? Sleeping, just sleeping. More on the specifics later.
Now since my little corner of the internet is not often read by fellow dragons, I should explain something at this point. See, I imagine a lot of you, if there is even a lot of you out there reading, wonder how is it that I can just slumber away six months of my life. Well it's really not so difficult you see we dragons live forever, mostly; and when one lives forever 6 months is a really short time. And quiet honestly, for the average human it doesn't seem to change much in their life either. When I catch up with the few humans I care about (which means humans I don't plan to eat anytime soon), I find that often their lives are just as they were before my slumber.
Now I do have to say that my scribe, Jack Scribe, seems to be the exception to this rule. Often six months or a year is enough to entirely turn his life upside down. As an example, it wasn't 15 months ago that he had never acted in his life. Now he's been in a few shows in community theater and is thicker than thieves with several actors. Most recently, it seems that in the six months that I've been sleeping ol' Jack Scribe has once again discovered his mortality. He's about to go in for some surgery and sometimes I catch him actually moping about this and that. The thing is that I know he is so mean an ornery (that's what I like about him) that he'll be around for just about forever. As a result it's just a bunch of melodrama on his part; did I mention he's an actor now? ;)
But, I haven't really gone into any details as to why I've been off sleeping; a six month nap not exactly being normal for me. Well let me just say that I've recently learned a bit of a life lesson: one needs to be careful when he puts all of his eggs in one basket. There are those amongst us who put 100% of our effort into a job, hobby, spouse, family or something else along those lines. Sadly, I think it is often the job that gets 100%, but that's a discussion for another day. The beauty of such a single minded focus is in the focus. It's amazing what one can achieve if he puts all of his living breathing effort into one thing. But the darker side is that this focus had better work, because if we screw up that one thing, we've just messed up our entire lives.
And this brings me back full circle to my recent long nap. See, I did exactly this, put all my eggs in one basket. This particular basked was the search for my parents, or at least some sign of my parentage. After spending months in the search, I came across one dead end after the other. Finally, with no more options or ideas open to me, I gave up the search and promptly fell into my slumber. I have only now come out of this slumber and spent some time, in my lair, re-evaluating my life as a dragon.
Which leads me to the last and most important point I intend to make in this particular post, an apology to my scribe. Jack Scribe is more than just a scribe to me, he is my friend. This is a word that I do not use casually, and I am not too proud to admit that Jack Scribe is the closest of friends. This despite the fact that I am an ancient dragon, and he is a human. See, in addition to being my friend, Jack sometimes helps me in procuring food. By this I mean, he has lured um...other humans...To my lair. This is something he is particularly good at, and he does it to make me happy in spite of the fact that it makes him depressed and sad. I realize now that, though he may be the perfect person for the task, I must separate our friendship from my search for food, even if this means I go hungry for a while. It can only make our friendship stronger. So this is for you Jack; I'm sorry and I will gladly go hungry for ten years before I will ask that of you again.
Not planning to wait six months for another update,
Jack Dragon
For anyone paying attention, the dragon has reawakened and is back posting again. But, you probably figured that out already. So, where've I been? Sleeping, just sleeping. More on the specifics later.
Now since my little corner of the internet is not often read by fellow dragons, I should explain something at this point. See, I imagine a lot of you, if there is even a lot of you out there reading, wonder how is it that I can just slumber away six months of my life. Well it's really not so difficult you see we dragons live forever, mostly; and when one lives forever 6 months is a really short time. And quiet honestly, for the average human it doesn't seem to change much in their life either. When I catch up with the few humans I care about (which means humans I don't plan to eat anytime soon), I find that often their lives are just as they were before my slumber.
Now I do have to say that my scribe, Jack Scribe, seems to be the exception to this rule. Often six months or a year is enough to entirely turn his life upside down. As an example, it wasn't 15 months ago that he had never acted in his life. Now he's been in a few shows in community theater and is thicker than thieves with several actors. Most recently, it seems that in the six months that I've been sleeping ol' Jack Scribe has once again discovered his mortality. He's about to go in for some surgery and sometimes I catch him actually moping about this and that. The thing is that I know he is so mean an ornery (that's what I like about him) that he'll be around for just about forever. As a result it's just a bunch of melodrama on his part; did I mention he's an actor now? ;)
But, I haven't really gone into any details as to why I've been off sleeping; a six month nap not exactly being normal for me. Well let me just say that I've recently learned a bit of a life lesson: one needs to be careful when he puts all of his eggs in one basket. There are those amongst us who put 100% of our effort into a job, hobby, spouse, family or something else along those lines. Sadly, I think it is often the job that gets 100%, but that's a discussion for another day. The beauty of such a single minded focus is in the focus. It's amazing what one can achieve if he puts all of his living breathing effort into one thing. But the darker side is that this focus had better work, because if we screw up that one thing, we've just messed up our entire lives.
And this brings me back full circle to my recent long nap. See, I did exactly this, put all my eggs in one basket. This particular basked was the search for my parents, or at least some sign of my parentage. After spending months in the search, I came across one dead end after the other. Finally, with no more options or ideas open to me, I gave up the search and promptly fell into my slumber. I have only now come out of this slumber and spent some time, in my lair, re-evaluating my life as a dragon.
Which leads me to the last and most important point I intend to make in this particular post, an apology to my scribe. Jack Scribe is more than just a scribe to me, he is my friend. This is a word that I do not use casually, and I am not too proud to admit that Jack Scribe is the closest of friends. This despite the fact that I am an ancient dragon, and he is a human. See, in addition to being my friend, Jack sometimes helps me in procuring food. By this I mean, he has lured um...other humans...To my lair. This is something he is particularly good at, and he does it to make me happy in spite of the fact that it makes him depressed and sad. I realize now that, though he may be the perfect person for the task, I must separate our friendship from my search for food, even if this means I go hungry for a while. It can only make our friendship stronger. So this is for you Jack; I'm sorry and I will gladly go hungry for ten years before I will ask that of you again.
Not planning to wait six months for another update,
Jack Dragon
Tell me, is it that humans taste so much better than other large animals, or have the two of you just not thought about other food sources? I can't speak from experience, seeing as how I'm not a dragon, but it seems that something like sheep, pigs, cattle, goats, or deer would be easier to procure, and less morally objectionable for your scribe. It might cost more money-wise, but there are ways to minimize the expense as well.
I have a dragon friend who jokes about sheep being self-flossing.
It's all about hair/fur to meat ratio. You can't beat humans in that category, especially since so many of them seem to shave off what little hair they have. The other animals you mention require herding and procurement while humans just come to the door. What's a dragon to do?
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