Monday, October 10, 2005

Problem dragons and my unrecoverable faith in humanity, bitterness ahead...

I need to preface this post by explaining a little about what passes for Dragon shape shifting. I said earlier that I wouldn't go into details, but I feel it necessary to flesh in a bit of the details at this time. The reason for this will become apparent shortly. Dragons do not shape shift, though they have a sort of active camouflage which works something like human stealth technology. It makes us look very different, but also much smaller in a sort of optical illusion way. This is coupled with the minds need to see something that works with pre-existing perceptions. The final bit is a passive "mind nudge" we use to reassure the mind that it is in fact seeing a human rather than a massive, scaly and angry beast.

I assure you it works suprisingly well except among the very young, the insane and other dragons. The very young don't categorize too well and lack the mental capacity to be nudged. They generally are not a problem as they haven't finished their mental catalog of what's scary yet and as a result find us more interesting than frightening. The insane have similar issues in that their brains don't work quite right. Fortunately even if they are scared or in awe of our presence, everyone else just sees another facet of their insanity. Sorry about that crazy people. Other dragons can be fooled, but if they are looking for dragons they will find them regardless of what methods are employed.

Now ol' Jack's been having a rough go of it lately, so please excuse me for the mistakes I have made. You see the two individuals who have as of late been responsible for my loss of faith in humanity are in fact dragons. Yes, I know I should have figured this out much earlier, but quite honestly I've taken to spending more and more time sleeping in my trove as of lately without much ambition to do much else. The few waking hours I have had were less than lucid. So it was that it finely dawned on me to check these two out, and it was as I suspected, a couple of well camouflaged dragons. Does this make me lose faith in my fellow dragons? No, not at all. As a whole we dragons are dark, bitter, and mean. I don't expect much from my fellow dragons and that leads to much less disappointment.

Now that all said, one would expect that I would regain my faith in humanity, but I haven't. Humans are generally self centered little balls of ego that spend more time pretending to care then they do in actually caring. They make stupid decisions for stupid reasons despite all the signals that tell them to do otherwise. And then they get all surprised and depressed when things don't turn out how they planned. Well duh, people. Diogenes wouldn't even bother getting his lantern out in today's world.

You know I'm far from perfect myself, and I've made mistakes. Big, dragon sized mistakes, but at heart I always try to do the right thing. And I've paid my price and been punished more than I deserved for these mistakes. I can accept this, it hurts, but at least I was in the wrong when I got punished. But when I genuninely go way out of my way to do some good and still get kicked in the maw, that's where I draw the line. What the hell is wrong with dragons? What the hell is wrong with people? Can we no longer see a good deed? Can't we see it when someone has genuinely tried to help?

Is it so damn necessary to makes others pay for their good deeds as well as their bad? Maybe we all need to forget what's in it for us and think about society for just a moment. Or maybe I just need to go to my cave and sleep away a couple of centuries. The world won't miss this one dragon, and this dragon will miss only a very small part of this world.

I'm extra bitter at the moment and my dragon bluntness is coming out. I've taken to dreaming again, and these dreams have been bitter sweat almost to the point of physical pain. When I can no longer hide in slumber, I get real grouchy. More on the dreams in a later post. That is, if I haven't already alienated what few readers I have.

Jack the dark and bitter dragon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*hugs Jack* It's okay...if you want to talk about it to someone, you can find me at elfgirlnepa at yahoo dot com (so the bots don't get me. ;))

5:37 PM  
Blogger Jack Dragon said...

Thank you for the kind words elf girl. What does you name mean, if it has a meaning in elf speak? I think I'll have my scribe whip out a note to you via email, but you have to promise to still post to my account.


7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Silviril" means Rabbit in my dialect, and Macklavaine translates loosely as "Son of the Queen" from the founder of the house.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Jack Dragon said...

Ah thanks for the clarification on your name. As you might have guessed, or I might have mentioned my name is not really Jack. My real name is hardly pronouncable, nor is it really translatable into human languages. I borrowed the name Jack from my scribe, and since I promised not to eat him, he hasn't had a problem with me using his name.

2:16 AM  

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