Thursday, September 08, 2005

Back to those chairs again, Friendship

Allow me to apologize to anyone tracking this Dragon's ramblings for not posting in a while. I was locked away in my lair once again, not really moping, or pining per se, just enjoying some solitude. I was hiding from the knowledge that the sun would not be coming out. Sometimes it is easier to avoid looking at the sky rather than having a look and confirming the worst. Ah we dragons are peculiar creatures, but living forever will do that to a being. While I am in apology mode, I know that one of my loyal fans has more questions for me, these will be answered in due time, but not in this particular post. A dragon's gotta follow his heart, and this post is what my heart is pounding about.

So let's talk about those two chairs in the house for friendship. Why only two? Don't friends come in multiples? The answer is simple; yes friends can come in multiples, but true friendships are one on one and thus require exactly two chairs. Sure you can be friends with a particular group of people, but in the end each relationship with each person in that group is a separate entity. Some are friends, some are acquaintance some just run in the same circle of friends. But, none of them are truly friends unless you have something one-on-one between the two of you.

I am not one who tosses the word friend around lightly either. Friendship involves a unique bond between two individuals. Someone you occasionally see and exchange platitudes with is probably not a friend. Rather, friendship requires a deeper understanding on one another and a bond of trust that is not easily broken.

As a dragon my friendships are few and far between. Partly because eating people on a regular basis makes one a bit unapproachable. But, also because I don't allow most people close enough to form the bond of trust. See we dragons are heavily armored and thick skinned both physically and emotionally. It ain't easy to get by either skin and that's just fine with me. I think that for those that do befriend a dragon it is almost always a deeply rewarding experience though I recognize that is pretty vain of me to say so, but true none the less.

Being an immortal creature I see friendships as transient. This comes from the fact that all of my mortal friends will eventually die, though often they lose interest in dragon things before that happens. Some friendships are long lasting and indelible. Though rare, these friends be gone from my life for years at a time and pick right back up where we left off upon their return. More common are friendships where-in each friend fills a need that the other has at that time in their lives. Some of these develop into life long friendships others fade away once the purpose is served. I do not consider these lesser friendships, rather they are what they are.

I have yet to talk about the single chair and the three chairs, that will come in later posts. I also promise to answer those question posed by one of my readers some time soon. But I am a dragon and I do what I please, so that will come when it comes.

Jack -it is what it is- Dragon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack's back! :D On the one chair for solitude: Puts me in mind of William Wordsworth, a human poet...I nibbled on one of his books. It said something about "The Inward Eye which is the bliss of solitude..." I think he meant imagination and memory, I'd be interested to hear your views on that.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Jack Dragon said...

Ah my little rabbit friend. Though you are so small and fragile and I big and immortal we seem to have much in common.

"And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the Daffodils."

Yes, I think Wordsworth is speaking of the memory and introspection with that particular line. The daffodils remind him of much more than the flowers he once say.

Solitude is the most treasured chair in my house which is why I've saved it for last. I will say more on this subject on a later post.

Appreciating your loyal readership...

8:35 PM  
Blogger The Ferret said...

I think at this point anyone following your journal can accept that due to your nature, posts may be rather sporadic. As well why do you feel it's peculiar to dislike not seeing the sun? I myself feel similar and typically closet myself away during the colder and rainy periods.

11:41 PM  

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