Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Answering some questions...

I've been away for a bit again, more parental research, but I did have time to quickly reply to a couple reader questions. More on the parental research in a later post.

How many genes determine coloration in dragons? Are you red or green or brown?

I am red, though I don't know if I've yet mentioned that. I'm not sure about the genetics of it all, but one would guess that red was a dominant gene. I can tell you this much, and you can help me figure it out, dragon colors are absolute, they are either red or green (or black or whatever), but never a mix of colors or a shade between color.

Did you visit the mountain where you were born?

You'll have to keep reading to find that out. I am sure it will get covered one way or the other.

More late,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the answers to the questions, Jack. I'm sure I'll think of more. *eyes the other two comments* Ah, the joys */sarcasm* of blogspam.

3:31 PM  
Blogger Jack Dragon said...

Hello again silviril, my dear friend,

Thank you for your comments, I've removed the offending blogspam, thanks for pointing it out.

My scribe is back from acting and I am back from a sofar fruitless search for my parents. more in the blog.


12:17 AM  

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